Development of Character Education

Nazarullah, BA.

Fandi Suryo Hutomo, S.M.B

Jejen Jaenudin, B.A.
Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School develops character education in schools through various programs and activities such as :

- Homeroom Teacher and Dormitory Tutor Collaboration
There are two people who take responsibility for each student/class a homeroom teacher and a dorm tutor. These two figures act as a second family for each student during school and boarding time.
- Parents Visit Program
The homeroom teacher together with the dorm tutor periodically visit students’ home with the purpose of building partnership and can interact directly with parents as well as strengthening the relationship between the two institutions that are most important for student’s progress, which is school and home.
- Face to face between homeroom teacher and student
Each homeroom teacher dialogues with one student alternately once a week to find out more about the conditions of familiarity and togetherness in the class he is responsible for.
- Student Camp
This program is held twice a year at the end of 1st semester and 2nd semester after semester exams with the aim of refreshing and preparing students to be more focused in facing the next semester. This activity was also filled with literacy sessions, outbound, and team building.
- Morning Speech
Activities were carried out during the morning assembly where three students convey ideas, thoughts, and opinions on topics related to education, technology, science, religion, morals, and others. Moreover, they deliver speeches in Indonesian, English, and Arabic.
- Social Activity
This activity aims to build togetherness, and solidarity between students and homeroom teachers. Held once a week on weekends with various activities such as joint sports (futsal, basketball, swimming), sightseeing in the city, visits to bookstores, cooking together, culinary tours in the city, visits to nearby student homes, watching educational films, and others.
- College Counseling
Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School helps provide an understanding of the concept of carrier planning to the students by guiding them in terms of searching for and each of them to choose a major/field of study at the higher education level. To support the College Counseling program, several activities are carried out, such as student aptitude tests, seminars from several well-known domestic and foreign universities, motivational seminars, careers, and visits to favorite universities in Indonesia.
- Cahaya Rancamaya Teach
OSIS activities together with residents outside the school environment who provide Quran teaching services for elementary school-age children around the Cahaya Rancamaya campus. This activity were carried out on Friday according to the OSIS activity calendar for the Cahaya Rancamaya Middle School Student Council activities.

- Celebration of National and Religious
The OSIS program is carried out when there are national and international holidays such as the Indonesian Independence Day every August 17, National Education Day, The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, Isra’ Miraj, Eid al-Adha, and others.
- Reading Camp
The OSIS program held aims to build students’ interest in reading books. This activity is held twice a year in pleasant places such as tourist attractions as well as a refreshing activity.
- Study TourEducational activities at Cahaya Rancamaya School are not only limited to the classrooms at schools, but are widely open in social life. One form of activity that has been implemented is educational tourism. Apart from providing a refreshing feel, this activity also opened students’ insights about other parts of the world. In addition, they also have the opportunity to become social and cultural ambassadors from Indonesia in the countries they visit. It is also hoped that they will be able to improve the foreign language skills they learn at school and add cultural insight to students.

- Eid al-AdhaAs an implementation of a form of example and compassion for others, our school provides space to develop students’ attitudes towards Eid al-Adha activities and the distribution of sacrificial meat to people in need.
- Iftar and charity during Ramadan month
During Ramadan, our schools hold activities in the form of distributing iftar food packs followed by breaking the fast together. With this activity, it is hoped that a sense of sharing and mutual tolerance will emerge among others
- Donate to orphans
Our school provides an opportunity for students to learn how to help one another with their underprivileged. The values of these activities will give more value to students in social care.
- Disaster Aid
Disaster is something that comes unexpectedly. When this happens to other people, our students through schools have a sense of responsibility to help ease the burden of disaster victims by collecting assistance in various forms such as money, food, blankets, and others.
- Bazaar for Charity
For charity activities, the school also facilitates students to organize charity bazaars where students sell food or goods they collect in each class. The proceeds from these sales are all given to support social activities.

- Evening Self StudyTo complement learning activities during school time in the classroom as well as to train students’ self-responsibility towards their duties as students, Cahaya Rancamaya School organizes self-study activities in the evenings specifically for those who stay in dormitories. With the support from the coaches and dormitory picket teachers, the students return to review, understand and prepare the subject matter that has been and will be given by the teacher in class.
- Tausyiah
Every day there are three times of sermons that is after Fajr, Dzuhur, and Isya prayers which are delivered by students as a room to convey everything they learn at school and dorm. It also aims to familiarize students with public speaking and practice self-confidence.
- Al-Quran and Hadits study
Every Saturday and Sunday there is a study of Al-Quran and Hadith which are guided directly by ustadz who are experts in their fields so that students are expected to understand the Al-Quran and Hadith according to good references and can apply the essence of these studies in daily life.
- Muhadharah
One of student routine activity is muhadharah (speech practice). This activity is applied twice a week after the Isya prayer. Students do this activity in turn.

- Futsal.
- Basketball.
- Badminton.
- Swimming.
- Arabic.
- English.
- Programming.
- Science Project.
- Journalism.
- and others according to the interest of students.