“Broken, Growing, Lost and Lost” but time will continue to pass and life must continue because tomorrow is waiting. “Every time there is a meeting there will definitely be a separation” Even though with a heavy heart separation must still exist and will definitely happen. However, letting each other know and always praying is the most appropriate choice for us to make.
Three years have now passed, the time you have been waiting for has now approached even though sometimes there is a fear of going through it. Three years have passed so quickly if you remember the memories and togetherness with friends. But sometimes three years is a long time if you remember the hard struggle and sacrifices you have to risk. However, what is certain is that the three years that we have spent together at Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School will certainly be a series of tales and stories of journeys, struggles, sacrifices and friendships in navigating life for the sake of the desired future. Hopefully this moment of togetherness will become a beautiful memory in all of our memories.
Three years have indeed passed, but that doesn’t mean our journey and struggle has stopped, in fact the end of the white, blue and white and gray era indicates that a new chapter will soon begin, hopefully the three years of preparation that have been passed can provide provisions to conquer obstacles and challenges. in the future.
The moment of graduation is a happy moment that is definitely awaited by all students, not only them but it is a happy moment that is also awaited by parents and guardians of students. However, happy moments do not always have to be decorated with happy jokes and laughter, because happiness itself can still be expressed through tears. As happened at the Graduation Ceremony of Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School class 7 this time, this happy moment was still solemn even though it was decorated with happy tears.
Tears of emotion and happiness over the success that has been achieved by both students and parents, as well as tears of emotion and sadness over the increasingly limited time they have because they have to part ways for the sake of a beautiful future according to their respective hopes.
In this happy moment which was held in the Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort Hall, apart from presenting and appreciating the achievements achieved by the graduates, the students also tried to give their best presentation to their parents and teachers as an expression of gratitude for their service and struggle. who never stopped and gave up providing support and guidance during the three years of struggling to learn at the CRIBS School. (Harmain)