Board of Foundation Welcoming Message

Board of Foundation Welcoming Message

Dr. Ir. H. Ahmad Ganis, M.Si.
Dr. Ir. H. Ahmad Ganis, M.Si.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All praise is due to Allah SWT who has given us mercy and blessing, we finally founded Yayasan Khazanah Cahaya Iman (YKCI) and established Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School in Bogor as our very first program.

This action is based on our belief as a moslem who is obliged to encourage other moslems and our people (Indonesian) to raise and develop an international standard level of education with a core concept of Islam as a religion that brings compassion, prosperity, and peace to the world, beings and all human beings (rahmatan lil aalaamiin).

There is a challenge for us to transform our status as the consumers of knowledge invented by developed countries to become the inventors of science and technology for all mankind so that we are equal to them. This mission is a very long journey and it requires smart and persistent work from us and our next generations. Let ourselves take the first step with the belief of “Bi’idznillah, Faidza ‘Azamta Fatawakkal’ Alallah” (we can only defeat our eternal enemy called ignorance and poverty with an education based on faith to Allah SWT).

We urge to all moslems, scholars and philanthropists to participate in YKCI actions with the spirit of fastabiqul khairat, competing in all good works. This foundation belongs to all of us, so let ourselves spread Islam as a religion that brings freedom, independence, peace, social justice and prosperity for all mankind.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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