Welcome Speech Director of Education
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin, all praise is due to Allah SWT and we pray for His blessing, mercy, assistance and guidance. May the blessings of Allah be upon our Master and Prophet, Muhammad SAW who guides us through his perfect example of human being. May we all get his wisdom in hereafter.
Education is one of the most important pillar to establish a civilization. A great nation is a great civilization itself, who achieves its vision resiliently, works hard for its people’s prosperity, wealth and justice. Education has become one of the major aspects to establish a great civilization of Indonesia. Furthermore, a civilization who has good characters is constructed on the fundamental of religion values, the religion of Islam that is rahmatan lil’alamiin. Nowadays, Indonesia is struggling to create human resources who are religious, excellent, and have good morale. Yayasan Khazanah Cahaya Iman with its Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School is here to be part of the struggle. A movement that will never surrender for the glory of Islam and Republic of Indonesia.
Education definetely must give a positive influence in the flow of globalization that always moves with rapid changes and uncertainty. Currently, what education needs is a collaboration to create young generations who are noble-minded, excellent, and competent. Collaboration in Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School, starts from students, parents, teachers, staff and board of management. The collaboration in the various kind of idea, activity, program which are expected to support our institution achieving its vision to be an independent, excellent, modern, and dynamic islamic school.
Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School provides a full space for entire school community to grow their inner potential, has a strong work ethic in designing and managing all resources, and also has an updated learning system in the continually changing environment. Output of these works is the rise of moslem youth who genuinely practice Islam based on the concept of Islam rahmatan lil alamiin through understanding of Islamic religion, science and social during school years.
Eventually, we want to thank parents who have given their trust to our school to teach and to educate their children. A trust might be too heavy to bear alone, yet it would be much lighter if we carry together in a collaboration.
Welcome to our school website, hopefully this could help representing the school vision and mission reflected in educational program and activities for students, teachers, and parents.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh