Cahaya Rancamaya Students Present 2 OSN Medals for West Java

The 2023 Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) officially ended, the competition event for Indonesian students lasted for 5 days (Monday 27 August – Saturday 02 September 2023) in Bogor City.

In an annual event held by the Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) through the Balai Pengembangan Talenta Indonesia (BPTI). Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School, thank God, has once again succeeded in presenting 2 achievement medals for West Java Province.

Through its 5 representatives (4 high school students and 1 middle school student), Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School succeeded in winning 1 silver medal in the field of Chemistry presented by Baruna Adi Sanjaya and 1 bronze medal in the field of Mathematics presented by Muhammad Ilham Al Farisi.

It is not an easy thing to get to that stage, because to get to the stage they are at now they have to go through a very long journey, there are lots of challenges, preparations, struggles and sacrifices that they have to go through. As stated by Muhammad Ilham Al Farisi, “I have been involved in the Olympic world since elementary school and OSN 2023 is my last opportunity to take part in the most prestigious event in Indonesia. To prepare for OSN, I took private training which really helped me prepare myself. Apart from that, we were also given the opportunity to learn from training prepared by Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School High School together with Eduversal, which provided intensive pre-OSN training with tutors. experienced. I feel very lucky to have been able to learn from very competent mentors, so that I was able to achieve success in my last opportunity.” Said Ilham.

Ilham also added, “Of course, this achievement cannot be separated from the support of the people around me, the teachers who help meet my needs. Comrades who always encourage me. And what I love most is my family. A mother who always has suggestions and is always a place to lean on. Big brothers who provide motivation to always develop themselves. Of course, I am very grateful to Allah SWT for all his endless blessings.

Different from Narendra Aditya Tanoto, one of the 5 students representing Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School. Even though he failed to win a medal at the OSN 2023 event this time, he was still willing to accept the results set “Even though I haven’t managed to win a medal, I still appreciate the OSN event this time, if there is an assessment I will be very sincere in giving a 10/10 rating for OSN this time because of the experience I had. get it. In my opinion, all the hard work, effort, struggle and not sleeping for a year is worth a week of very valuable experience. God willing, after this OSN I will also upgrade myself a lot, from previously intending not to take part in competitions anymore, now I am even more enthusiastic about taking part in OSN next year.”

Hopefully in the future there will be more achievements that can be presented by the students of Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School both at national and international events. (Harmain)


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