Hello CR Friends, How are you doing? I hope you are always healthy and, of course, happy. Unbelievably, the seasons have changed; the warmth we felt in the past is now replaced, and Bogor has returned to its nature, living up to its nickname as the Rain City.
In this rainy season, to keep your immune system strong and healthy, CR friends must maintain a healthy and regular lifestyle by consuming nutritious food and drinks and engaging in regular exercise.
CRIBS School is once again presenting the CRYPTON event (Cahaya Rancamaya Sport Competition) for the Futsal category, but with a difference: CRYPTON is exclusively for elementary school levels in Bogor.
The event, held on November 18, 2023, was lively and festive, with more than 500 visitors, including parents and students, attending CRIBS School. Can it be that lively? Of course, it can, CR friends, because alongside the CRYPTON event, CRIBS School was also hosting the final round of the EMC competition (English & Math Competition) at the national level, simultaneously taking place throughout Indonesia. So, you can imagine how bustling CRIBS School was on that day.
Now, back to the CRYPTON, the annual event was exciting and intense. The Futsal competition for elementary school levels used a group system, where the winners of each group would compete for the first-place title. This year, the CRYPTON 2023 first-place title was secured by the Futsal team from Insantama Elementary School, followed by Purbasari Elementary School as the second-place winner, and Kertamaya Elementary School in a respectable third place.
Congratulations to our CR friends who became champions in CRYPTON 2023, and for those who didn’t, don’t be disheartened or lose spirit. Keep learning and practicing harder, as there are still many opportunities ahead to become champions. “Remember, victory is not only for the fortunate but also for those who never give up.”
As organizers, we express our gratitude to the participants who wholeheartedly joined this competition and upheld sportsmanship. Because winning is not everything; good character must exist in every generation that will inherit our nation.
We also extend our thanks to the donors and sponsors who supported the event, making it possible to run and succeed according to expectations.