Vision & Mision En


“To be an Islamic School that is Independent, Modern, Dynamic, and Excellence”


  1. To develop an Islamic school’s work ethic which is full of independence in designing and managing all of the resources.
  2. To generate a school as the best educational institution in providing a room for its sustainable development.
  3. To develop an excellent quality in science and technology to adapt global challenges.
  4. To build a school character that able to meet the global dynamic, based on the Holy Quran and Hadith.


  1. To implement an education system that is oriented to the transformation of science and technology with a balance of religious character
  2. To develop a counseling system that is oriented to the creation of a human being who has noble and good character.
  3. To develop education and counseling system that continuously adapting to a change in dynamic environment.
  4. To optimize counseling service to improve professionalism in carrying out tasks.
  5. To facilitate educator to improve professionalism in carrying out tasks.
  6. To develop and improve school quality system according to global standard.
  7. To encourage and facilitate students in various academic and non-academic competitions both national and international level.
  8. To provide excellent education service to equalize in national and global competition.
  9. To produce educators who are able to operate high-end information and communication technology tools.


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