
Welcome Message


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT due to all of his blessing, mercy, and guiadance upon all of us. Best wishes greetings and blessings may everlastingly be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us through his model of humanity, that we will all get his wisdom in hereafter.

Education is one of the most important column in establishing civilization of a nation. A great nation has to be a great civilization, sustainably achieving the vision, works hard to achieve prosperity, wealthy and justice for its people. Education has become one of the major ways to establish great power civilization of Indonesia. Civilization who has positive characters is constructed on the fundamental of religion values, the religion of Islam which is rahmatan lil’alamin. Currently, Indonesia is struggling to prepare a human resource that is religious, superior and has good characters. Khazanah Cahaya Iman Foundation through Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School is here to present as part of the struggle. A movement that will never surrender for the glory of Islam and Republic of Indonesia.

Education exactly has to bring out a positive impact in the flow of globalization that always followed with rapid change and uncertainty. Nowadays what essential for education is a collaboration to produce young generation who are noble-minded, excellent, and competent. Collaboration at Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School starts with students, parents, teachers, staff and school management. The collaboration in various types of idea, activity and program which are expected to give influence on the way reaching the school’s vision to become an independent, excellent, modern and dynamic Islamic school.

Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School provides a room for the development of inner potential of school community, a strong work ethic in shaping and managing resources, a learning system adapted along with the times. A root of these efforts is the raising of Muslim youth who actively applicate Islam way based on the concept of Islam Rahmatan lil alamin with the provision of mastering religion study, science and social study gained while in school.

Finally, we thank the parents of students who have been giving their trust and trusteeship to educate and guide their sons in our school. Trust is really heavy to bare alone, but it is much lighte by collaboration way.

Welcome to the Cahaya Rancamaya Islamic Boarding School website, hopefully it is able to give a gleam of our school vision and mission manifested in the form of programs and educational activities for students, teachers and parents.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.


Ari Rosandi, S.S., M.Pd
Director of Education


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